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Managing the complexity of the Zero Trust mandate in the DoD

Written by Sarah Leonhardt | May 13, 2024 5:27:29 PM

“The pain is real.” Six ways Bluescape can help manage the complexity of the Zero Trust mandate.

The Department of Defense (DoD) is evolving to become an organization that is more agile, more mobile, and increasingly more cloud-based. The Zero Trust Framework provides the cybersecurity necessary for transformation. Despite the mandated deadline of 2024, action plans for implementing Zero Trust remain vague—left to individual organizations to define.

Zero Trust prevents unauthorized access to data and services within all computer systems, networks, and applications—a mindset shift that will require bold moves. But questions remain: Which processes should be used? Is there a plug-and-play solution? How can organizations track their compliance efforts?

Let’s explore, shall we?

Which processes should be used?

Organizations have found that the task isn’t as simple as choosing policies and software solutions—it requires a cultural shift in how the workforce collectively thinks about cybersecurity. Only then can retooled processes and technology take root.

Is there a plug-and-play solution?

There is no single plug-and-play solution that achieves Zero Trust goals. Rather, organizations will need to adopt and tailor multiple tools, policies, and processes to first become fully digital (eliminating all paper-based and siloed systems) and then implement access control to those systems. And for the DoD, there are the added security requirements for any solution used to manage controlled unclassified information (CUI) at various impact levels.

How can organizations track their compliance efforts?

In a word—whiteboards. Specifically, a visual collaboration solution like Bluescape that brings data, tools, and expertise together in a virtual workspace—connecting disparate or cross-functional teams. Because Bluescape is authorized at both FedRAMP Moderate and IL4/IL5 for CUI, it can be used for secure project management, data sharing, collaboration, and planning.

In fact, Bluescape is already being used by several DoD organizations to manage Zero Trust and much more:

  • A special operations group is using it for better tracking and viability workflows for dispersed teams across multiple Theater commands (TSOCs) and to add automation to the process of managing Zero Trust compliance across the entire enterprise.
  • Another defense organization is using Bluescape for Safe Agile planning, cloud capabilities, emerging technologies, and Zero Trust.
  • A major contractor is looking to Bluescape to manage Zero Trust implementation for DoD clients because, in their words, “The pain is real.”
Bluescape enables teams to visualize and map out Zero Trust implementation in six distinct ways.

Importantly, Bluescape enables teams to visualize and map out Zero Trust implementation in six distinct ways to identify potential vulnerabilities, design more secure mechanisms, evaluate solutions and configurations, and track overall project success:

  1. Identity and access management processes and workflows
  2. Data flows and data protection strategies
  3. Network security architectures and topologies
  4. Endpoint security mapping
  5. Cloud security architectures
  6. And last, but not least—complete implementation progress

Since Zero Trust encompasses multiple initiatives across all areas of operations, tracking all the moving parts is a logistical challenge easily solved by Bluescape. While leaders can use a dashboard to “see” the progress month over month, the teams and groups involved can access detailed plans and schedules that coordinate efforts and maximize solutions.

To learn more about Bluescape’s role in Zero Trust, download our Cybersecurity/Zero Trust solutions brief or schedule a security-focused demo.